12 setembro 2007

strangers in the night

Some people play a role in your life.
You don't choose them, I guess they don't choose you either, it just happens, by accident, faith or some other unknown reason that remains unexplained: however, your life seems to take a different direction (even if slightly different) as soon as you meet them - or rather, as soon as they leave.
Recently, I seem to have been the voluntary "victim" of such experience, where the fact of meeting someone new coming from a distant place(*) had a strong impact in my perception of life. If the mentioned impact occured because of their origins and the way they lead their lives, or if it occured as a consequence of their departure is something i have yet to figure out: the fact it something has changed - for the better, I must admit.

I am a much happier and wiser man now.
Would I be even happier should I have the opportunity to carry on seeing them?
Fuck knows. Or not.

(*) "distant" is not measured in miles or kilometers, rather in opportunity.

4 comentários:

V. disse...

Everyday tihngs happens in our life. Some of them we realise that happened. Some don't. Some of them we let change us. Some we just know the consequences after a long time.

You were just "lucky": for the expirence, for having that perception that it changed your life, for understanding some things now - or just see them in different point of view.


Anónimo disse...

Secantes ou tangentes...

cai de costas disse...

De acordo, anónimo: encontros à tangente que nada de secante tiveram.

Anónimo disse...


Encontros secantes nunca serão secantes.

Poderão até eventualmente ter uma pequena distorção e momentâneamente parecerem tangentes, mas inevitavelmente acabarão sempre em paralelas.